Price Range: from $200 to $2,500,000
Land Area Range: from 10 m2 to 1,000 m2
Other Features

Sell Your Business to Chinese Buyers

Sell Your Business with Confidence & Ease, Knowing We'll Achieve the Best Results

The Best Asian Background Business Broker In Sydney

Hardworking and professional broker team

We spend time to understand your needs and collect all possible information to give realistic appraisal. We follow all enquiries, qualify potential buyers and negotiate the best terms.

End to End service with confidentiality

Our experienced business brokers will guide you step by step, making it a stress-free experience to sell your business while keeping the sale process confidential.

Tailored marketing campaigns to target more buyers

We advertise our listings on Chinese/Asian websites and social media, including WeChat and Little Red Book to capture more buyers’ interest

Extensive experience working with business migration clients

Providing excellent service and guidance to facilitate Chinese/Asian buyers’ relocation and investment goals through the acquisition of businesses.

Goals and Strength


Selling Process Step By Step

Decision and research

Discuss with your advisory team to understand the business value; Make up your mind to sell your business.

Choosing a business broker

Interview brokers to understand fee structure and process; Sign the agency agreement with the broker you choose.

Pre-sale preparation

Collect information as much as possible like financials, records and lease, etc; Put information together and prepare an Information Memo.

Marketing campaign

Promote the business on different platforms, including business-for-sale websites and social media marketing.;Use database marketing and cold calling.;Advisors and professionals will be advised of new listings.

Enquiries and discussion

Buyer signs the confidentiality agreement to get an Information Memo; Further discussions will be held in detail about the business.

Negotiation and sale

Buyer makes an offer and negotiates the terms; Exchange contract after Due Diligence; Settlement and hand over

Recent Testimonials

Trustworthiness, honesty, professionalism, interpersonal communication skills & attention to details are just some of the words can describe Barton as an excellent professional Business Broker. Barton is such an effective communicator & a tremendous deal broker; he understands both party's needs & concerns. Without his superb negotiation skills, persistency & consistency, we think this deal/sale will not be able to go through. That's why we strongly believe & recommend if you ever need to sale anything "Mr. Barton CHA" is the only name you need to know.


It has been a difficult journey for selling my franchise business, however the agent showed great patience, supported with their rich experience, we have solved one difficulty after another. Today we have finally completed this journey. Really happy ending. Great service. Highly recommend.

Jing Wang(seller)

My business partner and I had the pleasure of letting our cafe sold with Barton and Travis. They patiently and promptly answer any of our questions and helped the buyer every step of the way. We would be happy to recommend Barton and Travis in selling your business.

Frank L (Seller)

Travis from Sinosmart helped connect us with the right buyer and ensured a smooth transition thereafter, thank you for your assistance 🙏

B L(seller)

Barton sold our business recently. He is reliable and professional. He worked very hard all the way through from the beginning to settlement. I will definitely recommend him to any of my friends who want to sell their business. Thanks Barton👍

Jessica K (seller)

Highly recommended! Barton has been very professional and helpful for the sale of my supermarket business. He strived for the best outcome for both sellers and buyers diligently.

Julia Chen(seller)

Barton is fair and honest. I recently sold my cafe. Helpful and reliable.

William Christopher(seller)

Thank you Sinosmart for helping me with selling my business!! I was impressed by the services provided and would definitely recommend to anyone.

Carol Guo (Seller)

Marketing Packages

The company employs a diverse range of marketing strategies, leveraging local business-for-sale websites, as well as popular social media channels like LinkedIn and Facebook. Additionally, focused outreach on Chinese social media, including WeChat and Xiaohongshu, is utilized to engage with potential Chinese buyers. These initiatives are carefully crafted to capture the interest of prospective clients.

*Subject to Six Months Exclusive Agency Period

My Profile Home Page


$ 1500+GST
  • Listing preparation
  • 3 pages Information Memo in Chinese
  • Chinese Ads drafting
  • Sinosmart website, Wechat marketing


$ 5000+GST
  • All included in Standard
  • Professional Information Memo at least 10 pages
  • Pre-listing consultancy service

Meet Our Brokers

Frequently asked questions

  1. Legal Fees: This includes the cost of attorney for contract preparation and negotiation as the seller. If there is a lease transfer involved, typically, the seller may also be responsible for the landlord’s legal fees, which can sometimes be shared with the buyer.
  2. Business Brokerage Commission: If you complete the transaction through a broker, you will need to pay a brokerage fee.
  3. Advertising Expenses: If you decide to advertise and promote your business, you will incur upfront expenses such as advertising fees and costs for preparing business Information Memorandum.
  4. Accounting Fees: If the buyer requires additional documentation and support for due diligence, there may be associated accounting fees incurred by the seller.
  5. Inventory Appraisal Costs: If your business includes inventory, you may need to engage a third-party inventory appraisal company and pay fees based on a certain percentage of the inventory.

The following three items are the company’s liabilities and are not considered direct costs of selling the business. However, they must be paid before the business settled:

  1. Accounts Payable: Any outstanding payments to suppliers or landlords, including unpaid rent, must be settled before the transfer.
  2. Taxes: Various unpaid taxes may need to be paid before the business transfer is completed.
  3. Employee Expenses: Accrued employee vacation and other benefits, such as long-term service benefits, must be converted into monetary payments before the transfer takes place.”

Preparation is key to a successful business sale. It involves organizing materials and effective advertising.

1、Materials Preparation

  1. Financial Records: Include three years of financial reports, BAS, and preferably tax returns. Clear, accurate financial data is crucial. Maintain good record-keeping habits. Address confidentiality concerns through buyer-signed non-disclosure agreements or phased disclosures.
  2. Lease: Include lease documents, rent invoices, utility bills. If the lease is expiring, obtain a new lease intent statement from the landlord or agent. Lease stability greatly impacts business value.
  3. Employee Structure and Wages: Describe staff roles, experience, payroll for full-time, part-time, or casual employees. Buyers prefer businesses with efficient management or those that can operate with minimal owner involvement.
  4. Franchise Contracts and Invoices: Clarify franchise terms, fees, and revenue-sharing agreements for franchise-based businesses.
  5. Supplier and Customer Contracts: Highlight significant supplier or buyer relationships that contribute to the business’s value.

2、Advertising: Prepare a comprehensive Information Memorandum for efficient communication with potential buyers. Advertising can be done via business sale websites, social media, or word of mouth. While social media is popular, business sale websites offer a wider reach and attract more prepared buyers. Engage business brokers for effective advertising on multiple platforms, maximizing your chances of success.

There are various complex formulas available for calculating the value of a business, and you can find numerous methods through online research.

However, for small businesses, we recommend a straightforward approach to valuation: multiplying the owner’s actual profit by a multiplier. Actual profit includes pre-tax business earnings, owner’s salary, and personal expenses covered by the business. The multiplier can be determined based on factors like the industry and operational conditions, with a typical range of 2 to 3 as a reference.

For example, let’s consider a financial report where the pre-tax business profit is 50,000 AUD, the owner’s salary is 40,000 AUD, and personal expenses covered by the business, including items like vehicle expenses, family salaries, and shareholder dividends, amount to approximately 20,000 AUD. In this case, the owner’s actual profit would be 110,000 AUD. If you use a multiplier of 2, the estimated value would be 220,000 AUD; if the multiplier is 3, it would be 330,000 AUD.

There are various strategies to legitimately optimize tax efficiency. Experienced buyers consider more than just financial statement profits and conduct a comprehensive analysis of actual earnings. However, when selling a business, it’s advisable to ensure that financial reports clearly reflect the business’s operational activities and profitability to facilitate the buyer’s estimation. This requires effective communication and advanced planning with an accountant.

The specific multiplier to use depends on various factors specific to the business, including the completeness and verifiability of financial data, the stability of income and profits, the extent to which the business relies on the owner versus management, the presence of supply contracts, the remaining lease term, and the reasonableness of lease terms.

For precise valuation guidance, we recommend consulting with both accountants and business brokers.

In the realm of business brokering, the typical duration for selling a business averages around six months, though instances of rapid sales can be attributed to fortuitous circumstances. Several pivotal factors come into play during this process:

Pricing: The art of setting the right price is paramount. As long as the business holds inherent value, potential buyers are in the offing. An attractively priced offering tends to lure prospective purchasers. For expeditious sales, contemplating a reduced price may be prudent.

Operational Condition: Effective and astute business management stands as a cornerstone. A clear and orderly financial record, a robust organizational structure, the absence of debts and legal entanglements, stable relations with suppliers and clientele, and judicious lease terms collectively serve to hasten the transaction.

Preparation: Meticulous preparation begets buyer confidence and bolsters their willingness to extend offers promptly. This encompasses comprehensive documentation, secure and sufficiently lengthy lease agreements, well-managed inventory levels, and the seller’s psychological readiness to make decisive determinations.

Advertising and Promotion: Even for thriving businesses, promotion remains imperative. Advertising facilitates outreach to a broader spectrum of potential buyers. Sellers are well-advised to earmark an appropriate budget for advertising endeavors.

Role of Legal Counsel: Legal professionals occupy a pivotal role in this transaction. Their expertise, diligence, and acumen in business affairs influence the fluidity and timing of the deal.

Selection of a Business Broker: The selection of an experienced business broker, whose domain of expertise aligns with the specific industry, is of paramount importance to the successful culmination of the transaction.

In conclusion, embarking on the journey of selling a business necessitates comprehensive preparation, encompassing psychological readiness, personnel readiness, and meticulous business groundwork. Best wishes for your endeavor in business brokering.

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Business Sales Knowledge


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